10 Things To Know About the New EU Data Protection Regulation – Specialized Advice From CWIIL Group

The first EU Data Protection Directive was written in 1995, but a new, stronger regulation is being developed to take into account vast technology changes of the last 20 years. The plan is to finalise the regulation this year and implement it in 2017.

As with any regulation, the current draft could change. However, only minor changes were made between the last two drafts, despite lobbying attempts, and the latest version is possibly as close to final as we’ll see. Below are 10 of the most important elements European organisations should take away from the current draft, to help them prepare for 2017.

1. This Is A Regulation, Not A Directive

The terms regulation and directive are often used interchangeably, but they are very different. A directive is implemented and enforced by individual countries, but regulations become law without change when they are passed. The current EU data protection directive resembles a patchwork of slightly different laws across Europe, but the new regulation will be implemented in all 28 countries.

2. Data Processors Will Be Held Responsible For Data Protection

Under the directive, any data “by which an individual can be identified” was the sole responsibility of the data controller, i.e. the owner of this data. Under the new regulations, however, any company or individual that processes this data will also be held responsible for its protection, including third parties such as cloud providers. Put simply, anyone who touches or has access to your data, wherever they are based, is responsible in the case of a data breach. The ramifications of this are pretty broad. Third parties will need to be extra vigilant when it comes to securing the data of others, and data owners will want to thoroughly vet their partners.

With the new regulations in mind, organisations should think about reviewing their third party contracts now. In the case of cloud providers seriously consider having, as part of your contract, the ability to carefully review their procedures and even facilities to make sure they are up to scratch. Many cloud service providers, especially those based outside the EU, may not believe that the regulations apply to them, it is clear that they will.

3. The Regulation Has Global Ramifications

Don’t let the terms ‘EU’ or ‘Europe’ fool you, the new regulation affects every global organisation that may have data on EU citizens and residents. Reputational damage is also a key element of a data breach and the new regulation is likely to harmonise ‘naming and shaming’ policies across each country. For instance, in the UK, the Information Commissioner’s Office issues press releases when organisations are sanctioned at the moment, whereas some other countries are currently fairly light touch.

4. Users Will Be Able To Make Compensation Claims

The regulation will allow users to claim damages in the instance of data loss as a result of unlawful processing, including collective redress, the equivalent of a US-style class action lawsuit. Senior management will need a good understanding of what kind of impact this would have on their business. Not only can legal damages be incredibly costly from a financial perspective, they also represent further reputational damage as cases can carry on for years and keep the story in the public eye throughout this time. Sony, for instance, is currently facing seven class action lawsuits following last year’s hack. The public will be reminded of Sony’s security failings again and again.

5. There Are Tighter Rules On Transferring Data On EU Citizens Outside The EU

Even if sharing is allowed (however legitimate the data controller thinks this is), the directive currently prohibits personal data from being transferred outside the European Economic Area (EEA) unless the controller assures an adequate level of privacy protection (the adequacy requirement).

When negotiating with a cloud provider, pose the question of whether they are allowed to move data between countries as part of the contract, whether they have to inform you of such a move or can only do so at your request. Get visibility into the CSP’s HQ and data storage facilities (don’t assume it is the same) and also any countries where they employ people who manage the service. Furthermore, whereas the directive allows a data controller to decide if a third-party provider is safe, under the regulation, only the commission can do so.

6. Harmonised User Request Rights

Under the directive, users already have the right to see the data collected about them. However, each country currently defines how data controllers should respond (the UK allows 40 days) and in the new regulation the deadline will be harmonised, probably to 20 days.

7. New Erasure Rights

In the new regulation, users can also demand that their data be erased. This may sound straight-forward but it’s not always that simple. If a person said they wanted to be removed from one of your databases, how would you go about doing so? Would you have to remove data from multiple systems? Are syncing protocols in place that would make doing so difficult? Do you have processes now for this and how would you remove contact information from individual databases or spreadsheets? These are questions that need answering now, not after the regulation comes into play.

8. It Is Your Responsibility To Inform Users Of Their Rights

Under the new regulations, controllers must inform and remind users of their rights, as well as documenting the fact that they have reminded them of their rights. In addition, users should not have to opt-out of their data being used, they must opt-in to your systems. This is more stringent than the current directive and companies that fall foul of these measures will face larger fines.

9. Tougher Sanctions & Streamlined Incident Reporting

This is the big one. In case there was any doubt about how serious the regulators are taking the data breach issue, sanctions have been made much, much tougher. Fines may be as high as €100m or 5 percent of global revenue (whichever is higher), in stark contrast to i.e. in the UK, which is a maximum fine of £500,000.

Currently, different countries have different rules on data loss reporting for both the regulator and users. The regulation is intended to streamline the process, most likely so that regulators must be informed in 72 hours – unless, as per the ‘reasonable expectations’ requirement (explained shortly), data was encrypted or tokenised.

Arguably, something is missing from this new rule, namely how much time organisations have to inform users. TalkTalk, for instance, recently suffered a data breach and informed regulators within the required 72hrs (the UK rule). However, users were not informed until several months later, in which time hackers had used stolen contact information to phone/email TalkTalk customers, pretending to be from the company in an attempt to steal money. TalkTalk should have moved faster to inform its customers of the data breach.

10. Encryption & Tokenisation Can Come To Your Rescue

It’s not all bad news, there’s a piece in the regulation saying that controllers must meet individuals’ ”reasonable expectations” of data privacy. This is an interesting term as the regulations stipulate that tokenised, encrypted or pseudo-anonomised data does indeed meet these expectations. This is great news, as it allows organisations to encrypt or tokenise data before uploading to the cloud. Assuming that companies keep the encryption keys on their own premise, firstly data loss is much less likely and, if it does happen, they can show the regulators that they took steps to “meet the individual’s reasonable expectations of data privacy”.


This period, when the regulation is drafted but not yet in effect, is the ideal time for IT, security, and compliance teams to review the new requirements, seek legal guidance and put into place processes that will enable compliance.

These materials are not intended and should not be used as legal advice or other recommendation. If you need a legal opinion on a specific issue or factual situation, please contact a lawyer. Anyone using these materials should not rely on them as a substitute for legal advice.

Remember, no problem has a quick fix solution. Thus, always ensure to consult highly knowledgeable group of professionals whom would provide you with a collective advice, never individual advice. This group advice and approach is unique with CWIIL Group and is based on the overall Management Philosophy of all CWIIL Group Companies.

Consulting CWIIL Group of Companies, for any / all legal matters, ensures advice based on highest level of knowledge which are given to you by a team of select research-oriented experts whom each will do their own assessment of your matter, and also assess it together, thus ensuring that in case a mistake has been made by one, it will be noticed and corrected even before it is being passed on to you. Receiving incorrect and un-knowledgeable business advise can be disastrous and thus should be avoided.

CWIIL Group of Companies is a global group of multi-specialized units with diversified interests and activities, wherein each company is a separate legal entity registered under prevailing laws in different parts of the world. CWIIL Group of Companies Products, Services, Project and Solutions are in a multitude of Verticals including, but not limited to, Infrastructure, Power, Oil & Gas, Legal, Media, Technology, ITES, HR, Shipping, Aviation, Real Estate, Hospitals, Health and Medicine, Education, Funding & Investment, Business and Legal Consultancy, and Public Private Partnerships, and other CWIIL Group Units, worldwide, to name a few.

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The Corporate Communications Team would require minimum a fortnight for Reviewing & Responding to Queries, which please note.

EU States Agree Framework For Pan-European Data Privacy Rules – Legal Consultancy From CWIIL Group of Companies

All 28 member states of the Council of the European Union have agreed to new European data protection laws that could see tough new regulations unified across the whole of the EU.

The changes would allow for a pan-European framework for privacy and the handling of European citizens’ data, instead of the current scenario where data privacy is regulated by watchdogs in the country of operation within Europe such as Ireland.

The changes were put forward by the European Commission three years ago and form a crucial step towards a single digital union. The European Parliament filed its agreement in principle over a year ago, but the Council of the European Union, where each country’s government has representation, has struggled to come to agreement.

Latvia’s minister for justice, Dzintars Rasnačs, said: “Today we have moved a great step closer to modernised and harmonised data protection framework for the European Union.”

The agreement came in the last week of Latvia’s presidency of Council of the European Union. The negotiations going forward will be the responsibility of Luxembourg as it’s taken over the presidency of the Council.

Monique Goyens, director general of the European Consumer Organisation said: “EU laws are now lagging behind the pace of technologies and business practices. Our personal data is collected, then used and transferred in ways which most consumers are oblivious to. An appropriate update must put control of personal data back in the hands of European consumers.”

“This new regulation is the opportunity to close gaps, ensure robust standards and stipulate that EU laws apply to all businesses operating here.”

While some welcome clearer and more unified rules and regulations, lobbying, which has delayed proceedings, has shown that some aspects of the proposal have companies worried.

Of particular contention is a clause that would allow users to sue companies who process data, such as cloud storage providers, as well as those that own it or collect it. Companies including Amazon and IBM have warned that it could kill off Europe’s cloud computing industry.


Many US technology companies have based their European operations in Ireland, including Facebook and Google. Current laws mean that if one data protection authority clears a company’s actions and regulates compliance with local laws, informed by European law, that company can then operate in any European member state without the need to clear its actions in each country.

The EC put forward new regulation that would toughen European law, which would in turn toughen data privacy laws in European national states. But the proposal could also see the formation of a single nominated authority that could rule on large or politically contentious data protection issues.

Facebook and Google are subject to both legal and regulatory challenges over data privacy. The latest action is a lawsuit from the Belgian privacy commission which deemed that because Facebook operated an office within its country could answer to its regulation not just Ireland’s data protection authority where it is headquartered.

“I am very content that after more than three years of negotiations we have finally found a compromise on the text. The new data protection regulation, adapted to the needs of the digital age, will strengthen individual rights of our citizens and ensure a high standard of protection,” said Rasnačs.

The agreement will lead to a “trilogue” between the EC, the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union on each of their amendments to the EC’s proposal.

Deputy commissioner from the Information Commissioner’s office David Smith said: “It is encouraging that these discussions are scheduled though it is likely to be well into next year before they are completed. We can then expect a further two years before any law is implemented, to give people time to prepare for the changes.”

How tough the new laws and regulation becomes will be up for debate. The idea of a single data regulator – a one-stop-shop – for large issues has been popular in theory. What form that would take will be crucial for companies such as Facebook and Google operating in Europe.

Under scrutiny are proposals regarding: unambiguous consent for any data collection, such as tracking for adverts; limits to the ability to use data for purposes other than those for which it was collected, such as profiling; and a strengthened “right to be forgotten”.

The Council of the European Union has agreed new fines for breaches of EU privacy and data protection law could be up to €1m or 2% of the company’s global annual turnover. The European Parliament would have them as high as €100m or 5% of turnover.

These materials are not intended and should not be used as legal advice or other recommendation. If you need a legal opinion on a specific issue or factual situation, please contact a lawyer. Anyone using these materials should not rely on them as a substitute for legal advice.

Remember, no problem has a quick fix solution. Thus, always ensure to consult highly knowledgeable group of professionals whom would provide you with a collective advice, never individual advice. This group advice and approach is unique with CWIIL Group and is based on the overall Management Philosophy of all CWIIL Group Companies.

Consulting CWIIL Group of Companies, for any / all legal matters, ensures advice based on highest level of knowledge which are given to you by a team of select research-oriented experts whom each will do their own assessment of your matter, and also assess it together, thus ensuring that in case a mistake has been made by one, it will be noticed and corrected even before it is being passed on to you. Receiving incorrect and un-knowledgeable business advice can be disastrous and thus should be avoided.

CWIIL Group of Companies is a global group of multi-specialized units with diversified interests and activities, wherein each company is a separate legal entity registered under prevailing laws in different parts of the world. CWIIL Group of Companies Products, Services, Project and Solutions are in a multitude of Verticals including, but not limited to, Infrastructure, Power, Oil & Gas, Legal, Media, Technology, ITES, HR, Shipping, Aviation, Real Estate, Hospitals, Health and Medicine, Education, Funding & Investment, Business and Legal Consultancy, and Public Private Partnerships, and other CWIIL Group Units, worldwide, to name a few.

For Further Queries Feel Free to Contact :

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Voice : +45.5148.3608
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Email : corpcomm@cwiilgroup.eu
Web : www.cwiilgroup.eu
Connect : LinkedIn – Twitter – Facebook – Quora

Office Hours :
Monday to Friday : 10.00 – 17.00 CET.
Saturday : 10.00 – 14.00 CET.
Sunday : Closed.

The Corporate Communications Team would require minimum a fortnight for Reviewing & Responding to Queries, which please note.