How To Receive Trustworthy Market Information Relating To Your Business Vertical – Locally and Internationally? Special Information Packages from CWIIL Group of Companies

Getting reliable market information relevant to your business vertical / industry / sector can be a both tiresome and expensive task; especially if you are looking for information in regards to establishing your business in a foreign market you often have to depend on external sources, i.e. professional consultancies, government agencies, embassies etc., whom, more often that not, are charging hefty rates. To accommodate the those who are unwilling or unable to pay such lofty rates, our professionals have created special Information Packages keeping in mind the professional and financial needs and requirements of small and medium enterprises, worldwide.

The Information Packages contains various levels of intelligence depending on what your current desire and requirements are, and most importantly, are compiled in a collective manner based on multiple sources delivered in one combined report for you as per the vertical/s and country / region you wish to receive information on.

The packages have basic levels of information on the vertical/s, the market/s and vendors within a given territory. More comprehensive information including government policies and online support from our teams are available in the higher leveled packages. Details of the content of each package are given here below :

Basics Packages :

1. General information & market overview on 1 vertical in 1 country / state, list of names of 10 biggest vendors in the chosen vertical.

2. General information and market overview of 2 verticals in 2 countries / states, list of 10 biggest venders per vertical with general contact details. Online support for 2 Q&A’s per month.

Intermediate Packages :

3. Intermediate level market analysis and information on 2 verticals in 2 countries, list of 10 biggest vendors per vertical per country / state with general contact details. General information on government policies per country / state. Online support for up to 5 Q&A’s per month.

4. Intermediate level information and market overview of 5 verticals in 5 countries, list of 20 biggest vendors per vertical, per country with general contact details and a contact name. General information on government policies per vertical, per country. Online support for up to 10 Q&A’s per month.

Full Packages :

5. Detailed market analysis and information on up to 5 verticals within 1 region, i.e. USA / EU / Russia / China / Australia / MENA etc., list of up to 50 biggest vendors per vertical with details of direct contact name and full contact details. Full details of government policies per vertical per country. Full online support with up to 15 Q&A’s per month.

6. Detailed market analysis and information on up to 10 verticals within 1 region, i.e. USA / EU / Russia / China / Australia / MENA etc., list of up to 100 biggest vendors per vertical with details of direct contact name and full contact details. Full details of government policies per vertical, per country. Full online support with up to 20 Q&A’s per month.

Additional Premium Services :

1. Unlimited Q&A’s with 24/7 online support

2. Unlimited Q&A’s answered one-to-one in person at client’s residence by one of our Group official and also personal representation of / for the client on ground, worldwide.*

*N.B. : All travel, lodging and boarding are to be paid on actuals, for min. 1 CWIIL Group official for up to 4 working hours per day, 5 days per week, excluding public holidays, weekends, local / regional / national / international holidays.

Prices for the Information Packages starts @ €149 per month, which can be paid 1, 3, 6 or 12 months in advance – a Special Summer Discount of 25% until August 15th, 2013, on all orders of min. 12 months paid in advance.

Information Packages are available worldwide for any / all the verticals that CWIIL Group is present in which include, but is not limited to, infrastructure, EPC, power, legal, media, astro, aviation, technology, IT / ITES, pest control, real estate, hospitals, medicine & health, events & entertainment, education, manpower, shipping, oil & gas, chemicals, gems & jewelry, bullion trade & financing, funding & investment, mergers & acquisitions, business & legal consultancy & solutions, takeover & revival of sick units, and public private partnerships, to name a few. If your specific vertical / industry / sector is not mentioned above, please do not hesitate to inquire and we would do our best to accommodate you subject to our Group policies, terms and conditions.

Feel free to contact our teams with any queries or for further information – you are welcome to seek our advice or counsel on various matters, which for the record are always provided free of charge, as all our businesses are 100% transparent and based on the four corners of prevailing laws.

As mentioned multiple times on this blog, we stress the importance of always receiving collective advice, never individual advice. Consulting the teams of professionals in any unit of CWIIL Group of Companies, for any / all your business intelligence matters, ensures advise based on highest level of knowledge which are given to you by a team of select research-oriented experts whom each will do their own assessing of your matter, and also assess it together, thus ensuring that in case a mistake has been made by one, it will be noticed and corrected even before it is being passed on to you. Receiving incorrect and unknowledgeable legal advice can be disastrous and thus should be avoided.

Remember, no problem has a quick fix solution. Thus, always ensure to consult highly knowledgeable group of professionals whom would provide you with a collective advice, never individual advice. This form of group advise and approach is unique with all CWIIL Group Services, Solutions, Products and Projects, and is in tune with the overall Management Philosophy of all CWIIL Group Companies.

For Further Queries or to Request a Personal Quote Feel Free to Contact :

CWIIL Group Global Regional Headquarters Denmark,
Address : No. 1, Klokkebjergevej, DK6900 Skjern, Denmark
Voice : +45.5148.3608
Fax : +45.7014.1498
Email :
Web :

Office Hours :
Monday to Friday : 10.00 – 17.00 CET.
Saturday : 10.00 – 14.00 CET.
Sunday : Closed.

The Corporate Communications Team would require minimum a fortnight for Reviewing & Responding to Queries, which please note.


Continued Growth in the Global Shipping Industry – Customized Shipping Solutions, Services, Products and Projects from CWIIL Shipping, [ A CWIIL Group Company ]

Despite global and regional turbulences in worldwide trade, international transport of cargoes by water is still a significant transport mode. Markets growth and the intensification of globalized industrial activities have resulted in ever-larger vessels to allow for economy of scale. This phenomenon has affected almost all segments of ocean transport of dry and liquid bulk cargoes as well as the transport of cargoes in general, and containers in particular. Added to an increased risk awareness, ports worldwide have opted for larger facilities and deeper waterways, as well as for the adoption of modern standards in terms of safety, security, environmental protection and social responsibility.

In parallel, the public sector has gradually withdrawn from major investments in terminal facilities and operations to assume the role of landlord (mainly responsible for port master planning, safety and environment) whilst private companies have taken over the financial and operational activities within the context of the most appropriate and efficient PPP models (Public-Private-Partnership).

Various organizations in the international transport sector make the most recent information related to trade growth and its requirements available to developing countries, and assists them to address these issues and ensure that their maritime transport and port sector remain efficient and competitive.

With the exception of South Africa and a few North African countries, ports have been characterized by parameters such as limited depth, low throughput, lack of modern and high performance equipment, lack of maintenance, imbalance between import and export, and a public sector management structure. This picture is changing quite rapidly. An increasing number of ports in Africa are changing their institutional framework and management structure, allowing the landlord port management model to be implemented, which, in turn, is paving the way for concessioning of terminals, foremost of container terminals. In addition, a few African ports have become regional transshipment hubs.

In 1985, Rotterdam and New York were the largest container ports in the world. In 2009, Hong Kong and Singapore ranked first, leaving Rotterdam and New York respectively in 11th and 20th position. The 2009 Top 10 league of container ports lists nine East Asia & Pacific ports and Dubai. Asian ports, China in particular, are the largest in terms of dry bulk throughput, especially coal and iron ore.

Ports in Western Europe have long been ranked among the largest ports in the world. They offer the intermodal advantage that inland water transport is possible deep into the European hinterland. Despite the fact that water allows for the cheapest way of transport, Europe has seen a revival of cargo transport by rail, implementing the so-called dedicated block train, and even of multimodal transport corridors and terminals. The landlord port management model is the predominant model in Western European ports, and is increasingly implemented in East European and Central Asian ports.

Like Africa, Latin America is not situated on one of the world’s major maritime corridors. As a result, it cannot tap into these cargo flows and distribute them in the wider region. Like Africa, Latin America is a continent that is served on the eastern and western coasts by shipping lines, which, for the larger part, sail down to the most southern port, turn around and head back north. As a result, very few ports handle regional transshipment cargoes besides those of the Caribbean region like the Port of Kingston or those located near the Panama Canal. Large port facilities for the export of bulk commodities can be found in both Brazil (iron ore export ports) and Venezuela (crude oil exports facilities). In recent years, landlord port management and the concessioning of terminals to the private sector were widely introduced in the region.

The Middle East & North Africa region’s port sector is characterized by large numbers of crude oil, LNG, and products loading facilities, as well as very large container transshipment terminals such as Dubai, Salalah, Port Said East and Jeddah. In addition, new ports and terminals are being developed in places such as Tangiers and Jeddah. Many of these terminals have been concessioned to the private sector, and benefit from an ideal location – on or close to one of the largest maritime transport routes in the world, i.e. the one between Asia and Europe. From there, cargoes are transshipped to smaller ports in the eastern Mediterranean, the northern part of the Gulf, the Indian sub-continent, the Black Sea and the east coast of Africa. As the number of large deep water ports increases, so does the competition between the facilities.

In terms of container transshipment, the port of Colombo, Sri Lanka has long been a forerunner, compared to India and Pakistan for instance. In recent years, however, the number of adequate facilities, such as those in Nhava Sheva, India and the terminals in Karachi, started to attract limited volumes of regional transshipment cargoes. Whereas Sri Lanka and Pakistan have entered into concessioning contracts with private operators, India is still lagging behind. On the other hand, India has developed an efficient national rail container shuttle service. The other important maritime nation in the region, i.e. Bangladesh, still handles most of its imports and exports through the port of Chittagong. The facility is connected by inadequate road and rail facilities to its main inland origin and destination, the capital Dhaka.

Correct utilization of shipping solutions is essential, and for that professionals should always be consulted.

Consulting CWIIL Group of Companies for any / all shipping needs, ensures advise based on highest level of knowledge which are given to by a team of select research-oriented experts whom each will do their own assessing of the matter, and also assess it together, thus ensuring that in case a mistake has been made by one, it will be noticed and corrected even before it is being passed on to you. Receiving incorrect and unknowledgeable advice can be disastrous and should be avoided.

Remember, there is no quick fix solution that will solve any problems. Thus, always ensure to consult highly knowledgeable group of professionals whom would provide you with a collective advice, never individual advice. This form of group advice and approach is unique with CWIIL Group as per the overall Management Philosophy of all CWIIL Group Companies, implemented worldwide.

CWIIL Group Of Companies is a global group of multi-specialized units with diversified interests and activities, wherein each company is a separate legal entity registered under prevailing laws in different parts of the world. The Group is active in a multitude of business verticals, and though its various shipping companies, divisions and numerous associations, joint ventures and contracting, the group provides multiple products, services, solutions and projects across the shipping vertical through a single window for ease of communication and implementation.

For Further Queries or to Request a Personal Quote Feel Free to Contact :

Mr. Ronald Movonok,
Deputy Global Director, No. 51,
CWIIL Group European Operations, Denmark
Email :
Voice : +45.8176.1947

CWIIL Group Global Regional Headquarters Denmark,
Address : No. 1, Klokkebjergevej, DK6900 Skjern, Denmark
Voice : +45.5148.3608
Fax : +45.7014.1498
Email :
Web :

Office Hours :
Monday to Friday : 10.00 – 17.00 CET.
Saturday : 10.00 – 14.00 CET.
Sunday : Closed.

The Corporate Communications Team would require minimum a fortnight for Reviewing & Responding to Queries, which please note.